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About RGB to HSV Converter

Input an RGB value like rgb(0, 255, 255) and Diversify India’s RGB to HSV converter will convert this value to an HSV color like 180deg, 100%, 100%.

RGB color parameters are red, green, and blue. The output HSV color parameters are hue, saturation, and value.

Why Convert RGB to HSV?

Converting RGB to HSV is beneficial for applications that require intuitive color adjustments. HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) represents colors in a way that aligns more closely with human perception, making it easier to manipulate colors for tasks such as image processing, computer graphics, and color selection tools. This conversion helps in creating and adjusting colors based on their visual qualities rather than their components.

How to Convert RGB to HSV

To convert RGB to HSV, you need to transform the red, green, and blue components from their decimal values into hue, saturation, and value.

  1. Extract the values for Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) from the RGB code.
    • Example: rgb(255, 109, 71) gives R = 255, G = 109, B = 71.
  2. Convert the RGB values to a range of 0 to 1 by dividing by 255.
    • R = 255 / 255 ≈ 1
    • G = 109 / 255 ≈ 0.43
    • B = 71 / 255 ≈ 0.278
  3. Calculate the minimum and maximum values among the normalized R, G, and B values, and find the difference.
    • Max = 1
    • Min = 0.278
    • Delta = Max – Min = 1 – 0.278 ≈ 0.722
  4. Calculate Hue (H).
    • If Max = R, H = 60 × ((G – B) / Delta % 6)
    • If Max = G, H = 60 × ((B – R) / Delta + 2)
    • If Max = B, H = 60 × ((R – G) / Delta + 4)
    • Example: Max = R, so H = 60 × ((0.43 – 0.278) / 0.722 % 6) ≈ 13
  5. Calculate Saturation (S).
    • If Max = 0, S = 0
    • If Max ≠ 0, S = Delta / Max
    • Example: S = 0.722 / 1 = 0.722
  6. Calculate Value (V).
    • V = Max
    • Example: V = 1
  7. Convert Saturation (S) and Value (V) to a percentage:
    • S = 0.722 × 100 ≈ 72%
    • V = 1 × 100 ≈ 100%
  8. Combine the HSV values.
    • Example: 13deg, 72%, 100%

List of Color Tools