Output Color

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About HSL to HSLA Converter

Input an HSL value like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%) and HSL to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).

HSL color parameters are hue, saturation, and lightness. The output HSLA color parameters are hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha.

Why Convert HSL to HSLA?

Converting HSL to HSLA is useful when you need to add an alpha (opacity) component to the color definition. HSLA is often preferred in web design and development for its ability to define colors with transparency, allowing for more flexible and layered designs.

How to Convert HSL to HSLA

To convert HSL to HSLA, you simply need to add the alpha (A) value to the HSL color values.

  1. Extract the values for Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Lightness (L) from the HSL code.
    • Example: hsl(330deg, 70%, 40%) gives H = 330, S = 70%, L = 40%.
  2. The Alpha value spans from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). You can choose the desired alpha value based on the transparency needed.
    • Example: Adding an alpha value of 0.5 for 50% transparency.
  3. Combine the HSL values with the Alpha (A) value to form the HSLA value.
    • Example: hsla(330deg, 70%, 40%, 0.5)

List of Color Tools