Output Color
About CMYK to HSLA Converter
Input an CMYK value like 0%, 0%, 100%, 0%
and Diversify India’s CMYK to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1)
CMYK color parameters are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key. The output HSLA color parameters are hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha.
What is CMYK?
In CMYK, C is Cyan, M is Magenta, Y is Yellow, and K is Key (Black). This color model is utilized in printing and describes colors by the percentage of four ink colors. Each value ranges from 0% to 100%.
What is HSLA?
In HSLA, H is Hue, S is Saturation, L is Lightness, and A is Alpha. This color model is used in web design and graphics to define colors in terms of their hue (angle on the color wheel), saturation (intensity), lightness (brightness), and alpha (opacity). The hue ranges from 0 to 360, while saturation, lightness, and alpha range from 0 to 100% (for saturation and lightness) and 0 to 1 (for alpha).
Why Convert CMYK to HSLA?
Converting CMYK color to HSLA is useful when you need to define colors in terms of their hue, saturation, lightness, and opacity. HSLA is often preferred in web design and development for its intuitive representation of color relationships and ease of creating harmonious color schemes.
How to Convert CMYK to HSLA
To convert CMYK to HSLA, you need to transform the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values to their equivalent RGB values (refer to our CMYK to RGB article), then convert these RGB values to an HSLA code (refer to our RGB to HSLA article).
List of Color Tools
- Color Converter: Convert to RGBA, Hex, HSLA, HWB, HSV, or CMYK
- Color Picker: Pick RGBA, Hex, HSLA, HWB, HSV, or CMYK Colors
- Color Mixer: Mix Colors Online for Free
- Random Color Generator
- Color Shades Generator
- Color Contrast Checker
- HSLA to CMYK Converter
- CMYK to RGBA Converter
- CMYK to RGB Converter
- CMYK to Hex Converter
- CMYK to HSL Converter
- CMYK to HWB Converter
- CMYK to HSV Converter