Category: Play Store
This Play Store category contains all the apps and games made by Diversify India.
HWB to Hex Converter
Input an HWB value like hwb(240deg 0% 0% / 0.5) and Diversify India’s HWB to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #8080ff.
HSV to Hex Converter
Input an HSV value like 240deg, 100%, 100% and Diversify India’s HSV to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #0000ff.
CMYK to Hex Converter
Input an CMYK value like 100%, 100%, 0%, 0% and Diversify India’s CMYK to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #0000ff.
Hex to HSLA Converter
Input an Hex value like #ffff00 and Diversify India’s Hex to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
HSL to HSLA Converter
Input an HSL value like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%) and HSL to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
HWB to HSLA Converter
Input an HWB value like hwb(60deg 0% 0% / 0.5) and HWB to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 0.5).
HSV to HSLA Converter
Diversify India’s HSV to HSLA Converter transforms HSV color values, such as 60deg, 100%, 100%, into the HSLA format, like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
CMYK to HSLA Converter
Input an CMYK value like 0%, 0%, 100%, 0% and Diversify India’s CMYK to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
Hex to HSL Converter
Input an Hex value like #ffff00 and Diversify India’s Hex to HSL converter will convert this value to an HSL color like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%).
HSLA to HSL Converter
Input an HSLA value like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 0.5) and HSLA to HSL converter will convert this value to an HSL color like hsl(60deg, 100%, 75%).
HWB to HSL Converter
Input an HWB value like hwb(60deg 0% 0% / 0.5) and Diversify India’s HWB to HSL converter will convert this value to an HSL color like hsl(60deg, 100%, 75%).
HSV to HSL Converter
Input an HSV value like 60deg, 100%, 100% and Diversify India’s HSV to HSL converter will convert this value to an HSL color like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%).