Category: Play Store
This Play Store category contains all the apps and games made by Diversify India.
CMYK to RGB Converter
Input an CMYK value like 100%, 0%, 0%, 0% and Diversify India’s CMYK to RGB converter will convert this value to an RGB color like rgb(0, 255, 255).
HSLA to Hex Converter
Simply input your HSLA color value (e.g., hsla(240deg, 100%, 50%, 0.5)), and this tool will instantly provide the Hex color equivalent (such as #8080ff).
HSL to Hex Converter
Input an HSL value like hsl(240deg, 100%, 50%) and Diversify India’s HSL to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #0000ff.
HWB to Hex Converter
Input an HWB value like hwb(240deg 0% 0% / 0.5) and Diversify India’s HWB to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #8080ff.
HSV to Hex Converter
Input an HSV value like 240deg, 100%, 100% and Diversify India’s HSV to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #0000ff.
CMYK to Hex Converter
Input an CMYK value like 100%, 100%, 0%, 0% and Diversify India’s CMYK to Hex converter will convert this value to an Hex color like #0000ff.
Hex to HSLA Converter
Input an Hex value like #ffff00 and Diversify India’s Hex to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
HSL to HSLA Converter
Input an HSL value like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%) and HSL to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
HWB to HSLA Converter
Input an HWB value like hwb(60deg 0% 0% / 0.5) and HWB to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 0.5).
HSV to HSLA Converter
Diversify India’s HSV to HSLA Converter transforms HSV color values, such as 60deg, 100%, 100%, into the HSLA format, like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
CMYK to HSLA Converter
Input an CMYK value like 0%, 0%, 100%, 0% and Diversify India’s CMYK to HSLA converter will convert this value to an HSLA color like hsla(60deg, 100%, 50%, 1).
Hex to HSL Converter
Input an Hex value like #ffff00 and Diversify India’s Hex to HSL converter will convert this value to an HSL color like hsl(60deg, 100%, 50%).