Original size: 0. Minified size: 0. Savings: 0 (0.00%).

HTML Minifier Configurations

Handle attributes in a case-sensitive way, which is useful for custom HTML tags.

Remove the values from boolean attributes.

Avoid leaving spaces between inline elements when collapsing. This should be used with collapseWhitespace=true.

Compress unnecessary whitespace that affects text nodes in the document.

Always reduce multiple spaces to a single space, but never eliminate them entirely. Should be used with collapseWhitespace=true.

Use direct Unicode characters whenever possible instead of HTML entities.

Follow HTML5 rules when parsing the input.

Include tags automatically created by the HTML parser.

Keep the closing slash on self-closing tags like <br />.

Set a limit for line length, and split the compressed output into multiple lines at appropriate points.

Compress CSS inside <style> elements and style attributes. (uses clean-css)

Compress JavaScript within <script> tags and event attributes. (uses Terser)

Shorten URLs in various attributes, using the base URL provided. (uses relateurl)

Keep a single line break when whitespace between tags contains line breaks. Should be used with collapseWhitespace=true.

Stop attribute values from being escaped.

Minify the content inside conditional comments.

Minify specific script types (e.g., text/ng-template, text/x-handlebars-template, etc.).

Choose whether to use single (') or double (") quotes for attribute values.

Remove quotes around attribute values when it’s safe to do so.

Strip out HTML comments.

Eliminate attributes that only contain whitespace.

Delete elements that have no content.

Get rid of optional tags like </body> and </html>.

Remove attributes when their value is the default.

Omit type="text/javascript" from <script> tags. Other type attributes will remain.

Remove type="text/css" from <style> and <link> tags while keeping other types.

Remove unnecessary spaces between attributes. Note that this will result in invalid HTML!

Sort attributes based on how frequently they appear.

Arrange class names by their frequency.

Remove whitespace around ignoreCustomFragments.

Replace the doctype declaration with the shorter HTML5 version.

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About Diversify India’s HTML Minifier

Optimize your website with our free online HTML minifier. Easily compress and minify your HTML code by removing unnecessary spaces, comments, and redundancies for faster page loading. This tool is perfect for web developers looking to improve performance.

This tool uses the HTML Minifier Terser library, a fork of the original Kangax HTML Minifier, both licensed under the MIT License.